
Wxtoimg professional edition
Wxtoimg professional edition

wxtoimg professional edition
  1. #Wxtoimg professional edition drivers#
  2. #Wxtoimg professional edition update#

  • After resampling your wav file with SoX, update the modified timestamp to that of the original file.
  • Configure your location coordiantes correctly in WXtoImg ( Options -> Ground Station Location).
  • WXtoImg overlays map on your decoded image, by pinpointing the relevant satellite pass, according to the modified timestamp of your audio file and your recording location. Bandwidth required for NOAA APT transmission is around 40kHz, but typically I set filter width to roughly 60kHz so it covers the whole transsmision, accounting for doppler shift. You need to adjust to filter in order to not filter out part of the transmission.
  • Adjust the LNA (important) In my setup I need to max out LNA to 49dB in order to maximise signal strength.
  • If you have just bought/built your antenna, test that it works first. Luckily I have brought two and was able to test. It took me a few failed attempts before I realise my antenna is actually broken. Here are a few more enhanced images from a morning pass (orbit 72489) of NOAA 18 over Sydney today:

    wxtoimg professional edition

    Receiving NOAA weather satellite images.Recording NOAA APT Signals with GQRX and RTL-SDR on Linux - Lets Hack It.

    wxtoimg professional edition

    NOAA APT reception with Gqrx and rtlsdr - OZ9AEC Website.WXtoImg, to decode recorded sound files back to an imageįor detailed instructions to set this up end-to-end, you can follow:.SoX, to resample recorded wav files to 11025Hz for WXtoImg.RTL-SDR V3 dongle, and the multipurpose dipole antenna that comes with the kit.Then there is the NOAA weather satellites, which continously 1 send down weather imagery to Earth over radio. There’s the International Space Station (ISS), in which the astronaunts occasionally make voice contacts to hams on Earth and ISS SSTV, where the ARISS Russian Team sends down images to earth using SSTV every now and then. Part of the hobby involves using amateur radio equipments to communicate with the many satellites that pass over your head everyday. It eventually led me to the interesting hobby that is Amateur Radio.

    #Wxtoimg professional edition drivers#

    The enormous amount of time spent on the roads has made me looking into CB (Citizen Band), which is used by truck drivers for communication. I have done quite a few round trips driving between Melbourne and Sydney since the start of this year. Receiving NOAA Satellite Images with RTL-SDR on Linux

    Wxtoimg professional edition